Create a new folder named “Materials” in the assets panel as shown in the figure. Right Click on assets->create->Folder. Name the folder as “Materials”.
We will start by resizing the road. Click on the road node in the Node hierarchy. Reduce the z axis from 100 to 10.
Create the road material by right clicking the materials folder->Create->Material. Name is as “BlackRoad”. Despite me naming it as black road, I figured out later that my road texture was actually brown.
Import the “cobblestone_floor_05_diff_1k.jpg” inside the assets folder. Place it inside the materials folder that we created.
The materials folder should now have the BlackRoad material and the JPG image of the floor. We will use the image on the material in the next step. Click on the BlackRoad Material.
Check the “USE ALBEDO MAP” and then drag the “cobblestone_floor” image onto the AlbedoMap section. Check the “USE PBR MAP” and drag the “cobblestone_floor” image onto the Pbr Map section. Save the project and scene. Control+S.
Click on the road from the Node Hierarchy, go to the inspector and then to the “MeshRenderer” section. Open the Materials panel if closed and then drag the “BlackRoad” material from the materials folder in the assets onto the default material section. It should look as shown in the figure above. Save the project. At this point if you run the simulator, you should see the road with the correct texture.