Sweshi's Tutorials

Cocoos Creator 3D Runner Tutorial

Creating the 3D Coin

To create the coin, we will use a 3D cylinder. Right click the Game scene in the node hierarchy ->create->3D Object->Cylinder. Name the Cylinder as “coin”.

Cocos Creator Tutorial: creating a coin

Change the position on the y axis to 3, the z axis to -4, the y and z rotations to 90 and the y scale to 0.1 as shown in the figure.

Cocos Creator Tutorial: coin properties

Create a new material for the coin. Right click the materials folder->create->material. Name the material as “Coin”. Click on the material to get its properties in the inspector.

Cocos Creator Tutorial: coin materials

Check the “USE NORMAL MAP” option and then on the “Albedo” section, change from a white colour to something similar to gold, orange or yellow as shown in the figure.

Cocos Creator Tutorial:coin material properties

Click on the coin in the Node Hierarchy. Go to the inspector panel and open the “Materials” section. From there, there will be a default material that gives the coin a white colour. Drag and drop the “Coin” material from the Materials folder to the Material section in the inspector. This will change the colour of the coin to the one we picked for the material.

Cocos Creator Tutorial:Coin Node