Sweshi's Tutorials

Making a Secure ProFTPD (FTP Server) in Centos 9 Linux

Connecting to secure proftpd with lftp

NB: This tutorial assumes that you have already installed proftpd on your system. If you have not Click on this link on how to do so

sftp server part 13: install the lftp ftp client

We now need to install lftp which is an FTP client that can connect using the SSL certificates to create a secure connection.

sftp server part 14:run the proftpd service

Run the proftpd daemon by using the command “proftpd”. At this point, if there is an error, you will be shown which options you did not type correctly. Compare your “proftpd.conf” particularly the “IfModule” section with mine. I got a few errors here on my first try. If it does not give an error, verify that the service is running using the command “ps aux |grep proftpd”. See that it is accepting connections.

sftp server part 1:connecting to the server

If the proftpd service is running, you can then connect to it using the options listed. Passive mode is a way for FTP clients to work around issues related to firewalls and network address translation (NAT). In passive mode, the FTP server opens a random high port for data transfer, and the client connects to this port. When “ssl-force” is set to “true”, the FTP server will mandate the use of SSL/TLS, and non-encrypted connections will be rejected. Lastly, I am making sure that the certificates are not verified simply because lftp does not trust self signed certificates.